IBEROSTAR renovates iconic Havana landmark Hotel Riviera once owned by American mobster

The iconic 1950’s style Hotel Riviera in Havana has a colorful history. The hotel, located alongside of the Cuban capital’s majestic Malecón seafront, was originally built by legendary American mobster Meyer Lansky and opened in 1957. Spain-based Iberostar Hotels & Resorts took over management of the classic 352-room property in January 2017. It is the Iberostar’s 12th property in Cuba and second in Havana. The hotel is Five-Star status and is part of the company’s Premium Gold category.

“IBEROSTAR Riviera is an historically important property with an outstanding reputation, and represents a major step forward in expanding our presence in Havana and Cuba,” stated Enric Roguer, CEO America at GRUPO IBEROSTAR.

Havana Hotel Riviera was originally owned by American mobster Meyer Lansky

Meyer Lanksy

Source: karashall.blogspot.com / Lansky (Jul 4, 1902 – Jan 15, 1983) is one of the legendary figures of 20th century organized crime in America.

After the Cuban Revolution of 1959, Lansky fled Cuba for the Bahamas. In October of the following year, Cuban leader Fidel Castro nationalized all the island’s hotel-casinos and outlawed gambling. The hotel was operated for many years by the Gran Caribe chain, a Cuban state-owned company, until Spanish IBEROSTAR took over the managementlast year.

Lobby bar of Hotel Riviera Havana

Credit: Photo by Gary Raynaldo / Lobby bar of the Hotel Riviera alongside the Malecón seafront in Havana.

Interior bar Hotel Riviera Havana

Photo by Gary Raynaldo / Interior bar of Hotel Riviera

Lansky’s heirs seek compensation for Cuba’s seizure of Hotel Riviera casino

Lanksy heirs

Credit: calvinayre.com / In 2015, the grandson of legendary mobster Meyer Lansky reportedly wanted Cuba to pay compensation for seizing his grandfather’s casino nearly six decades ago.

Meyer Lansky’s daughter Sandi and her son Gary Rapoport want to recover what they see as their family’s rightful inheritance in Cuba.

“It was through my grandfather’s hard work that the hotel was built.” Lanksy’s grandson. ” We are his natural relatives and along with my Uncle Paul, the only surviving ones. By rights, it should be our property.” Asked about whether it was right to seek part of a fortune built on crime, he said: “Murder was their business and one might say it was all built illegally and on blood money, but we are proud of my grandfather who was a leader in whatever he did.”

Gambling in Cuba.jpg

Credit: thenewsdoctors.com /  Gambling at a casino in Cuba pre-Castro era. 

As I strolled through the lobby of the Hotel Riviera, I tried to  imagine what it was like back in the ’50’s when the champagne was flowing, roulette wheels spinning, dice rolling, and a bevy of bevy of beautiful ladies and mobsters held court in this historic hotel. Must have been some heady times, indeed!

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